One of the most powerful aspects of human competence is faith in oneself.
What is faith in oneself? Is it faith in one’s abilities? Is it faith in one’s future? Is it faith in one’s ability to reach a goal? Or is it faith in some other being other than oneself?
Clearly faith is all of these things but is not limited to or by any one of them.
Faith is of a different quality. We need to investigate such that we can live by it.
Faith implies knowledge in action. To know is insight. To act is experience. To have faith is to believe in the world that is coming into being and to know and act out of that belief.
How can one believe before one knows?
To answer this question one must know what belief means and how it is different from knowledge.
Belief in its lowest sense is dogma and certainly inferior to knowledge which is then defined as verified statements about realities. Belief in its highest sense is creation, and certainly superior to knowledge which merely describes creation.