It is easy to serve others at a physical/ material level.
But it is extremely difficult to serve others at an intellectual level.
Firstly, any idea we think up must be centered around the other.
Secondly, the act of intellectual engagement must be free of intellectual pride or arrogance.
Thirdly, we must dedicate our mind in the service of the other (attitude of service).
The outcome is a user/ community which believes that the idea is co-created and co-owned by every member of the community.
This also means a complete negation of the idea of intellectual property.
How then does one serve intellectually?
- I do not think for you. I enable you to think.
- I do not believe that expertise is important. I believe that the outcome (possible only through ownership and participation of all) is the driver for my outcomes.
- I recognize that I am successful only when the group/ community I enable is able to find its own answers.
A mind that can serve in such a manner is called an enabling mind.
An individual with an enabling mind is capable of unleashing tremendous possibilities in the communities he/ she serves.