The purpose of a vision is ‘revelation’. Revelation of a ‘state’.
A ‘state’ of mind/ body/ circumstance/ emotion/ action/ relationship.
A ‘state’ that one may aspire to or work against.
A ‘state’ that may inspire in us action.
A ‘state’ that may create ‘conditions for new knowledge’.
All these states are possible purposes in the human realm in relation to the medium.
Thus a vision ‘reveals’ a state within the context of revelatory medium.
Mastery of that revelatory medium may be called art, craft, inspiration, or even intense struggle.
That ‘revelation’ manifests at three levels:
At the gross level – in the craft of capture of that state
At a subtle level – in the eye of the beholder
At the causal level – at the level of identity – a means of redefining/ defining/ clarifying/ expanding/ widening oneself.