The world as energy
Viewing the world as energy demands that we see life as a flow.
When life is a flow, it manifests itself as a fractal.
Each level of the fractal carries the flow of energy – called creation, maintenance, destruction, and interregnum.
Each level of the fractal can also be perceived through the lens of space, time, and causation.
Within each level, all these three dimensions are “created in situ” when the fractal comes into existence and “die in situ” when the fractal disappears from existence.
Why view the world as energy or “sristi”?
There are two reasons why this energy view of the universe is useful. One, it enables man to explain “name & form”; two, it enables man to explain the “flow of life”.
An evolutionary view of energy
Energy becomes an evolutionary concept, when the cycle of creation, maintenance, destruction and interregnum becomes an evolutionary cycle.
This shift takes place when man transforms his concept of energy – from energy as the independent, trans-human, universal flow of life to energy as man in transition from lower energy states to higher energy states.
Energy states represent the “homeostatic” structures or patterns of energy that the universe accepts as valid, due to the larger and smaller architectures of the universe.
Homeostatic structures carry emergent properties related to knowledge, emotion, behavior, action, desire, and dependence.
The shift from one energy state to the next energy state represents a simultaneous transformation in all emergent properties of the state.
When man climbs up from one energy state to another – he is said to have evolved.
The central challenge is: how to enable him to climb relentlessly and comfortably from “lower” energy states associate with emergent properties of lust, greed, anger, pain, suffering to “higher” energy states of universality, loving behavior, kindness, compassion, etc.
The concept of ego in the view of energy as life
Ego represents both an unreality and a reality.
As a reality in the energy view of the universe, ego represents an “energy knot” – a granthi.
As an unreality in the energy view of the universe, ego represents the “totality of knowledge” represented in the “unit principle” or “fractal unit” of energy.
When ego is dissolved wholly, it means that the unit fractal with all its concepts of creation, destruction, maintenance etc. stand invalidated.
When ego strengthens, it means that the possibility of alternative visions of existence becomes harder to obtain.