Human systems and collectives change due to many reasons or motives.
At worst, we are forced to change through threat and coercion, as we have seen through human history.
At the next level, we are forced to change when we experience the consequences of not changing, or not changing fast enough.
At the next, higher level, we change as a response to the challenges that we face.
At the highest level, we grow and evolve because of our aspirations – actualizing our potential, realizing a shared vision, or bringing about positive change in the world.
Knowledge-based change refers to change at Level IV that takes place because we seek to (i) actualize our potential (ii) realize an inspiring new vision (iii) bring about positive change in the world (iv) live in a more enlightened manner conducive to superior modes of human living.
The critical difference in knowledge-based change and all other forms of change referred to (Levels I, II, and III), is that the latter forms of change are forced upon us by circumstances (i.e., outside-in), while knowledge-based change is inside-out – driven by human aspiration and vision.
Knowledge-based change has thus far been restricted to individuals or small, committed groups.
Can we not create new technologies – to scale knowledge-based change in very large institutions and human systems?
Furthermore, is it not possible that even changes at Levels I, II, and III, which are motivated by triggers outside us, can be transmuted into Level IV, knowledge-based, inside-out change?