The biggest challenge faced by an evolutionary adventurer is the inability to recognize a challenge. In short, we don’t know we have a problem, or do not accept that there can be a better way of living or doing things.
Challenge blindness occurs at several levels:
Level 1: Objective Challenge Blindness
For example, if someone tells you that you can go from London to NY in 10 minutes, you say – it is not possible. It may not be possible today, but there might be one inventor who after a hundred years might figure out a new way of transportation which can get you from London to NY in 10 minutes!
This is an example of challenge blindness at an objective level. We take things as given until some inventor or discoverer comes along and questions ‘why’ or ‘why not’.
Level 2: Subjective Challenge Blindness
Once an assumption about what is true and correct becomes part of the identity, then that assumption cannot be seen and cannot be reviewed – because it is me and I can only see that which is outside me.
This happens to both children and adults. “I am lazy and I am like that” and that laziness actually becomes a part of one’s identity, it becomes a source of uniqueness.
Once it becomes part of the identity that problem can’t be seen, because it is you. If it is outside you, you can see it, but if it is inside you, you cannot see it. That is why challenges cannot be perceived, because (i) it is a given, and (ii) it has become a part of me – not part of my world view, but part of me.
This is challenge blindness at the subjective level. It makes us incapable of evolution on that dimension until we dissolve the identity casing in which the assumption is held.
But the worst is yet to come!
Level 3: Collective Challenge Blindness
Some assumptions and axioms are not only part of our individual identities, but become encoded into our collective identities. This is especially true in two areas: shared values and shared vision of reality.
This form of challenge blindness, at a collective level, is difficult because we are constantly reinforcing each other on these assumptions, and therefore, reiterating that these are not available for reassessment or evolution.
Furthermore, the collective as a whole is willing to fight on our behalf and throw out any individual or information that questions a collective assumption. In short we are ‘safe’.
Sometimes many generations pass before a community recognizes that it has a challenge in the very way it collectively thinks about life. It is no accident that prophets and truth seekers can be crucified or given hemlock by the very communities they seek to serve.