
Think Tools for the Evolutionary Adventurer - by Srinivas V.

Enlightened Citizenship and Human Excellence

Think Tools for expanding ourselves

The Practice of Excellence … and its value in societal development

Whenever or wherever people consciously undertake the practice of excellence, they naturally end up living consciously, in awareness, with an open mind. Most important they assign a special value or meaning to the ‘idea of excellence’ …

From employee to citizen – entails a shift from “outside-in” to “inside-out”

inside out play

There are two fundamental states in which we seem to engage with our work environment – the employee mode and the citizen mode. The employee mode is an “outside-in” state, and the citizen mode is an “inside-out” state..

The ideal of Peace & Harmony

In this vast symphony of human striving for peace and harmony, there is a special place for each one of us – both as co-creators and as the enjoyers of this peace and harmony…

The Ideal of Enlightened Citizenship Building Blocks: Evolution, Enablement, Engagement

Enlightened Citizenship Ideal

This piece is a map of the ideal, it shows the way forward to those who seek to embark on the journey to becoming enlightened citizens…

Enlightened Citizenship Ideal – the dimension of inter-human relationships

Enlightened Citizenship represents the intermediate and vital bridge step between worldliness and spirituality. This is a very powerful vision for people and provides a strong ideal for every individual to hold on to…

The Frames of Reason– Universal, Enlightened and Individualized

Reason, as we know it, is built on the individual self-interest.
Enlightened reason looks at good of all stakeholders. This is therefore about ‘widening’ one’s frame…

Reconciling Reason and ReligionThe notion of Enlightened Reason

Where does ‘reason’ (as opposed to faith) sit? In the realm of matter? In the realm of society? On in some other space.
The answer to this question comes when we recognize that the fundamental axiom on which religion itself is based is neither knowledge nor experience at either the physical plane or the social plane. Religion is based on realization at the plane of the human being…

Transcending Power & Knowledge – The DNA of Enlightened Citizenship

Citizenship is a new mode of engagement and living in society. It means that power transmutes from self-centeredness to collective-centeredness (from power to control to power to contribute). It also means that knowledge transmutes from ‘knowledge as asset’ to ‘knowledge as enablement’ (from knowing to enabling)…

How to sustain the Citizen state-of-mind?

How do some people manage to retain the ‘citizen state of mind’ through ups and downs in the external world? They are able to do so, because they shift the basis of their identity. Put differently, they have a fundamentally different answer to the question, “who am I?”…