
Think Tools for the Evolutionary Adventurer - by Srinivas V.

Identities and Ideals

Think Tools for reflecting on who we are and what we seek to become

The need for enabling identity-constructs and recognizing a disabling identity-construct

Most identity-constructs, in the final analysis, are subjective, open to constant reassessment, leave us unsure, and keep us bounded.
These are disabling identities for the evolutionary adventurer…

Who am I? A knowing individual or a learning individual

Who am I? A learning individual or a knowing individual? This is the first question in the journey to personal freedom and choice. At the identity level, there…

Resolving the clash of heritages within us

Man can be seen to be a product of two heritages – his spiritual heritage born of consciousness and his material heritage born of biological roots.

Achieving a positive and fruitful interaction and synthesis between two seems seems to be in the renunciation of the ‘narrow I’ and the gradual adoption of a larger ‘collective I’…

Evolution through Work – The paradox of “identity with work”

Identity with the work makes you strive for excellence. Yet to grow and evolve, one has to transmute that very identity. That is the paradox of “identity with work”…

Visioning as a tool for reconstructing identity

This piece is a Sutra on the purpose of vision. It describes the levels at which the “state” revealed in a vision manifests itself.

The three layers of an Ideal

This piece maps out the 3 layers of the citizenship ideal and the imperatives at each layer of manifestation…

Our structure of values determines our choice of ideal

People choose ideals that they find suitable. Further, the ideals themselves shape choices and values further strengthening their roots in the ideal – and so on…

What is faith in oneself?

Faith implies knowledge in action.

To know is insight. To act is experience.

To have faith is to believe in the world that is coming into being and to know and act out of that belief.
How can one believe before one knows?

To answer this question one must know what belief means and how it is different from knowledge…

The reflexivity between identities and mental models

Knowledge may be described as a map of the world we live in. Who creates the map? The creator of the maps defines what is in the map, what events are to be given importance, what outcomes are valuable, and which behavior is desirable…

Enabling Identity

We need to nurture both the outside-in and inside-out dimensions of our personal identity to function simultaneously, responsibly and effectively, both in the local context and in the global society…

How to know an Ideal?– The Notion of “Form & Function”

Form and Function are to be understood as a whole …