
Think Tools for the Evolutionary Adventurer - by Srinivas V.

The practice of evolution

Think Tools for engaging with the journey of personal evolution

The bridge to a new eternity – ‘Seeing’ as an evolutionary practice

How can the contours of a new world emerge?

How to align our goals towards the goal of our soul? – the three voices

There are three voices – the outer voice, the inner voice and the deepest most voice. What is the outer voice? The outer voice is that which is…

Spaces of connect in relationships

This piece maps out the spaces in which people connect to each other – activity, emotional, intellectual and spiritual.
It further goes on to propose that perhaps the deepest and most sustainable relationships are those that span across spaces of connect.

Transformation through self reflection – Strategies for reconstructing one’s identity and sense of self

There are 3 kinds of reflection – outward reflection, seeing oneself in a social mirror and self reflection.

Self reflection is when one is able to reflect and reconstruct one’s identity and sense of self. Very few people do this…

Manifesting our unique Human Possibilities – Through our sameness – not differentness

A Sutra on what makes us ordinary, and how we can choose to become extraordinary…

Shifting the basis of our evolution from ‘experience’ to ‘knowledge’

The minute I “know”, and I have not “realized”, discontent is born. So, I become the engine of my own transformation. “Inside-out” I evolve…

We don’t change because we don’t want to change – Introducing the notion of Ego of Evolution

Is it necessary that change be born of negation?

How not to lapse into a life of routine?– Focusing on the dynamic of observing and doing

The challenge of life is to observe and do together…

Meditation-in-Action – The Practice of understanding “what is essential”

The Practice of understanding “what is essential” is the core of meditation-in-action…

How to universalize the personal ego?

Man moves from personal ego to enlightened self-interest when he is able to complete the “cycle of universalization” of the individual ego. This cycle comprises of 4 stages…

Samadarshitva – The practice of “ownness”

Ownness is to see the other person as myself. Not as complementary, not as my friend, but as me. That person’s success is my success, that person’s failure is my failure…

Evolving through Ideas– The fastest of 3 ways in which people evolve

Evolving through ideas means recognizing, living with, sharing and personally practicing an idea – irrespective of the work context, and irrespective of the life context…

Words as Truth

Words as truth is the representation of an ideal in order that ‘being and becoming’ are manifested in that word…

How is one’s life to be organized? – The practice of generating order

How is order generated – By a consciousness, awareness, attention on that which is most valuable…

Searching for truth and the role of Tempfacts

The search for truth is the struggle to unpack the next framework from the existing “tempfacts” (temporary facts) at our command…

Character: the struggle of realizing one’s Ideal

Character is the ideal when “tested” by life…

The craft of human possibility

Is man’s physical frame itself a boundary? History has shown not…

Living in the Moment – The practice of “recognition”

Living in the moment is manifestation of the whole. It is real. It is here itself, here itself…

How to build Character Integrity? – The role of fear & discipline

Character is of the nature of renunciation and rigor…

Challenge Blindness

Challenge blindness makes us incapable of evolution until we dissolve the identity casing in which our assumption is held. Sometimes many generations pass before a community/collective recognizes that it has a challenge in the very way it collectively thinks about life…

What is laughter? – A way to be beyond structure

Laughter is the human response to change in context and therefore the rapid transformation of significance in existence…

Familiarity to Mastery – The 4 Stages of Conscious Practice

There are many levels of practice. But in all levels, a practitioner is one who consciously and deliberately intends to transform the state of his being…

The ‘what’ and ‘how’ of self-transformation – A Guidemap

Self-transformation represents man’s capacity to “evolve”. To evolve means to change one’s mindset. To evolve means developing new capacities in oneself…

Can we see Energy as “man in transition”? – An Evolutionary view of Energy

Energy becomes an evolutionary concept, when the cycle of creation, maintenance, destruction and interregnum becomes an evolutionary cycle.

This shift takes place when man transforms his concept of energy – from energy as the independent, trans-human, universal flow of life to energy as man in transition from lower energy states to higher energy states