The greatest scientists (e.g. Marie Curie), the people who have done any great work, have all been heroic people. They climb the heights in various fields. These people are heroic because they are uncompromising in their search of truth, as they understood it.
This uncompromising search of truth builds great strength, great heroism in people.
Higher truth is not seen by ordinary souls. It is seen by brave ones. The brave one says – ‘I will climb and I will see the truth – come what may’. This heroic attitude, combined with dedication and austerity, then takes one to wherever one wants to go.
Such seekers of truth may be people who climb mountains, who go to the depths of the ocean, who go to the farthest reaches of the universe, who go into the farthest reaches of their own human consciousness, or who go into any subject to any depth.
Whatever they do, they take up till the end. They are fearless. They don’t care for anything other than the truth.
Such brave ones alone see their own Truth!