
Think Tools for the Evolutionary Adventurer - by Srinivas V.

Tag: Learning

The Learning Mind

A learning mind is an Intelligent Mind.

It is your own responsibility to act out of the Intelligent Mind.

The Intelligent Mind is accessible to all of us. Only two qualities are required for it: the quality of Receptivity and the quality of the Receptacle. (to receive and hold, to encounter Grace and to be Grace worthy, to surrender and to serve)…

Replacing “fitting-in” with “organic growth of ideas” – The Engineering of Learning

When you focus on the student, do not focus on the personality or on creating excitement; instead focus on fundamentally reducing the pain associated with learning, and enhance the value associated with the outcome of learning…

Searching for truth and the role of Tempfacts

The search for truth is the struggle to unpack the next framework from the existing “tempfacts” (temporary facts) at our command…

Challenge Blindness

Challenge blindness makes us incapable of evolution until we dissolve the identity casing in which our assumption is held. Sometimes many generations pass before a community/collective recognizes that it has a challenge in the very way it collectively thinks about life…

Familiarity to Mastery – The 4 Stages of Conscious Practice

There are many levels of practice. But in all levels, a practitioner is one who consciously and deliberately intends to transform the state of his being…