Holding on to purpose does not come easy, and takes many years of genuine struggle for both individuals and collectives.
The central challenge is the context we live in – Markets. Technologies. Customers. Ideas. Our conscious drive is to be responsive to customer’s day to day demands, to stay updated with evolving technologies, to keep track of the vagaries of the marketplace, and to remain tuned to the ideas that permeate context. This forces the individual and the organizational mind to shift from that which is long-lasting and sustainable (purpose), to that which is transient and non-sustainable (context).
This can be described as shown in the following map:
How to integrate purpose and context meaningfully so that sustainability and invocative power of purpose is integrated with the immediacy and responsiveness of context into a whole response to reality?
What happens when we shift our context of the market place to Love?
Srinivas V
Love in context would manifest in several ways – as concern, as care, as consciousness for the other’s condition, as recognition of the individuality of the other, etc.
Love is too vast and too fundamental to be restricted either to Purpose or to Context. It is, infact, the substratum for both.