
Think Tools for the Evolutionary Adventurer - by Srinivas V.

Category: Maps

A map can be a symbol, a metaphor, perhaps even a simple framework or model that connects some unconnected things in a new way. A powerful scientific formula like E=MC2, is a type of map. Maps help you “see” or “sense-make” the world.

Invoking Excellence – Mapping the dynamic of excellence that can be embedded in a collective/organization

When do people choose to be excellent in their lives?

When are we truly heroic?

The mark of a hero is intense and high aspiration. It starts breaking all the barriers within. And he finds meaning only in meeting that aspiration…

Awakening the heroic consciousness

The heroic consciousness is awakened when the freedom seeking dimension of our personality interacts fruitfully with our willingness to serve an ideal – and this interaction forces us to dynamically engage with the world…

Resolving the clash of heritages within us

Man can be seen to be a product of two heritages – his spiritual heritage born of consciousness and his material heritage born of biological roots.

Achieving a positive and fruitful interaction and synthesis between two seems seems to be in the renunciation of the ‘narrow I’ and the gradual adoption of a larger ‘collective I’…

From employee to citizen – entails a shift from “outside-in” to “inside-out”

inside out play

There are two fundamental states in which we seem to engage with our work environment – the employee mode and the citizen mode. The employee mode is an “outside-in” state, and the citizen mode is an “inside-out” state..

Spaces of connect in relationships

This piece maps out the spaces in which people connect to each other – activity, emotional, intellectual and spiritual.
It further goes on to propose that perhaps the deepest and most sustainable relationships are those that span across spaces of connect.

The quality of purpose

While it is fashionable to live by purpose, it is useful to ask ourselves, what is the quality of our purpose…

Knowledge Worker – The Evolutionary Journey

This map lays out the 4 stages in the journey of knowledge work: beginning with the stage where one is a knowledge worker, right up to a stage where one’s consciousness is completely transformed.

The three layers of an Ideal

This piece maps out the 3 layers of the citizenship ideal and the imperatives at each layer of manifestation…

The Ideal of Enlightened Citizenship Building Blocks: Evolution, Enablement, Engagement

Enlightened Citizenship Ideal

This piece is a map of the ideal, it shows the way forward to those who seek to embark on the journey to becoming enlightened citizens…

Enlightened Citizenship Ideal – the dimension of inter-human relationships

Enlightened Citizenship represents the intermediate and vital bridge step between worldliness and spirituality. This is a very powerful vision for people and provides a strong ideal for every individual to hold on to…

Transformation through self reflection – Strategies for reconstructing one’s identity and sense of self

There are 3 kinds of reflection – outward reflection, seeing oneself in a social mirror and self reflection.

Self reflection is when one is able to reflect and reconstruct one’s identity and sense of self. Very few people do this…

Purpose: A source of emotional maturity

The work lies in organizing one’s intentionality around purpose…

The Frames of Reason– Universal, Enlightened and Individualized

Reason, as we know it, is built on the individual self-interest.
Enlightened reason looks at good of all stakeholders. This is therefore about ‘widening’ one’s frame…

Faith-mind & Reasoning-mind

“What I can reason out” is more true than what I have faith in – Mapping the reasoning mind.

Where Cognitive Intelligence acts – as different from emotional and reasoning intelligence

Cognitive Intelligence, when applied to a problem, re-frames the situation such that the problem ceases to exist…

Shifting the basis of our evolution from ‘experience’ to ‘knowledge’

The minute I “know”, and I have not “realized”, discontent is born. So, I become the engine of my own transformation. “Inside-out” I evolve…

How not to lapse into a life of routine?– Focusing on the dynamic of observing and doing

The challenge of life is to observe and do together…

The 4-stage journey of Human Fulfillment – A quick map

This map lays out 4 levels of fulfillment: beginning from the level of “seeking harmony with that larger good while pursuing one’s personal welfare” to the level of “living in the ideal and enabling others to live in the ideal” …

Meditation-in-Action – The Practice of understanding “what is essential”

The Practice of understanding “what is essential” is the core of meditation-in-action…

How to universalize the personal ego?

Man moves from personal ego to enlightened self-interest when he is able to complete the “cycle of universalization” of the individual ego. This cycle comprises of 4 stages…

Evolving through Ideas– The fastest of 3 ways in which people evolve

Evolving through ideas means recognizing, living with, sharing and personally practicing an idea – irrespective of the work context, and irrespective of the life context…

Living in the Moment – The practice of “recognition”

Living in the moment is manifestation of the whole. It is real. It is here itself, here itself…

Creating sustainability in organizations– The centrality of purpose

This map shows us how “a fresh reaffirmation of personal and organizational purpose” is at the heart of sustainability design…

Transcending Power & Knowledge – The DNA of Enlightened Citizenship

Citizenship is a new mode of engagement and living in society. It means that power transmutes from self-centeredness to collective-centeredness (from power to control to power to contribute). It also means that knowledge transmutes from ‘knowledge as asset’ to ‘knowledge as enablement’ (from knowing to enabling)…

Challenge Blindness

Challenge blindness makes us incapable of evolution until we dissolve the identity casing in which our assumption is held. Sometimes many generations pass before a community/collective recognizes that it has a challenge in the very way it collectively thinks about life…

Familiarity to Mastery – The 4 Stages of Conscious Practice

There are many levels of practice. But in all levels, a practitioner is one who consciously and deliberately intends to transform the state of his being…

The ‘what’ and ‘how’ of self-transformation – A Guidemap

Self-transformation represents man’s capacity to “evolve”. To evolve means to change one’s mindset. To evolve means developing new capacities in oneself…