Category: Maps
A map can be a symbol, a metaphor, perhaps even a simple framework or model that connects some unconnected things in a new way. A powerful scientific formula like E=MC2, is a type of map. Maps help you “see” or “sense-make” the world.
Man can be seen to be a product of two heritages – his spiritual heritage born of consciousness and his material heritage born of biological roots.
Achieving a positive and fruitful interaction and synthesis between two seems seems to be in the renunciation of the ‘narrow I’ and the gradual adoption of a larger ‘collective I’…
“What I can reason out” is more true than what I have faith in – Mapping the reasoning mind.
Citizenship is a new mode of engagement and living in society. It means that power transmutes from self-centeredness to collective-centeredness (from power to control to power to contribute). It also means that knowledge transmutes from ‘knowledge as asset’ to ‘knowledge as enablement’ (from knowing to enabling)…