There are three voices – the outer voice, the inner voice and the deepest most voice.
What is the outer voice? The outer voice is that which is shaped by our society – our relationships, our external actions, etc. This outer voice leads us to the life society wants us to lead.
Second is the inner voice. The inner voice says that ‘what I feel is correct’. One’s feelings, emotions, desires and ‘will’ drive the inner voice.
The outer voice is when we listen to the voice of the senses, the voice of external actions. But when we listen to our feelings, emotions, will – there is a little discrimination. This is the voice of our “inner senses”.
Finally there is the deepest-most voice. The deepest-most voice is the voice of our Highest Consciousness. It tells us the right answer. For that, we must have complete belief in the answer and must be willing to listen to the answer. This is because, very often, the answer is contrary to what both our outer voice and inner voice say.
When the deepest-most voice gives us an answer, that answer may completely transcend our inner voice.
When the deepest-most voice tells us something, that is the truth. The other two voices are 1/4th truth and ½ truth.
In meditation we slowly develop the capacity to listen to the deepest-most voice.