
Think Tools for the Evolutionary Adventurer - by Srinivas V.

Tag: Evolution

Knowledge Worker – The Evolutionary Journey

This map lays out the 4 stages in the journey of knowledge work: beginning with the stage where one is a knowledge worker, right up to a stage where one’s consciousness is completely transformed.

Shifting the basis of our evolution from ‘experience’ to ‘knowledge’

The minute I “know”, and I have not “realized”, discontent is born. So, I become the engine of my own transformation. “Inside-out” I evolve…

We don’t change because we don’t want to change – Introducing the notion of Ego of Evolution

Is it necessary that change be born of negation?

Don’t change the system, change the mind

Convert your years of struggle into years of joy and fulfillment…

Psychological Time

Psychological time is nothing but man’s desire to evolve. This desire to evolve is the finest manifestation of consciousness-in-action…

Meaning – the elixir of life

The I cannot be transcended by the I. It can be transcended only when it ceases to be…

Evolving through Ideas– The fastest of 3 ways in which people evolve

Evolving through ideas means recognizing, living with, sharing and personally practicing an idea – irrespective of the work context, and irrespective of the life context…

The craft of human possibility

Is man’s physical frame itself a boundary? History has shown not…

The song of i-become

“Behold, The Alone Way
The Choice of Progress Alone
Welcome to Evolution Now
Man Incarnate as God Becoming…”

Challenge Blindness

Challenge blindness makes us incapable of evolution until we dissolve the identity casing in which our assumption is held. Sometimes many generations pass before a community/collective recognizes that it has a challenge in the very way it collectively thinks about life…

The ‘what’ and ‘how’ of self-transformation – A Guidemap

Self-transformation represents man’s capacity to “evolve”. To evolve means to change one’s mindset. To evolve means developing new capacities in oneself…

Can we see Energy as “man in transition”? – An Evolutionary view of Energy

Energy becomes an evolutionary concept, when the cycle of creation, maintenance, destruction and interregnum becomes an evolutionary cycle.

This shift takes place when man transforms his concept of energy – from energy as the independent, trans-human, universal flow of life to energy as man in transition from lower energy states to higher energy states